Over the weekend, a photo of a hot akara seller wearing sexy cloth trended on social media with many people perplexed how such a pretty woman could take up such a trade. The photos got around though with different reactions. However, it has been revealed that the pretty and hot akara seller is no other person than Nigerian actress Chizzy Alichi and the photo is from the set of the movie, “Akaraoku”. The actress who enjoyed the different captions to the photo wrote: “Laugh wan kill me oooo…..different captions. Pls dis pix is from d movie AKARAOKU…get it , watch it and forget ur sorrows/recession.”
“Fake Love has been in the music industry for years and it’s still around. I’m not a big fan of it and that’s why my circle is very very small.” watch video: Video Player 00:00 00:00
Bukky Wright : Actress cautions colleagues on social media posts Nollywood actress, Bukky Wright, on Thursday advised other celebrities to be careful about the personal information they post on social media. Wright said in a social media post that such information could be so sensitive that it could hinder their careers in the future. “I am a perfect example of one out of many celebrities who never post private life affairs on social media. “I’m very careful about what I post on social media. I post what is needed to be posted and not frivolities. “I don’t have to post, especially, if it has to do with my private life. “It’s my private life and I believe my private life should remain private,’’ she said. The actress said that many celebrities continued to wash their dirty linens in the public, especially, on social media platform. “I try not to share many things, because one thing about too much information is that when it gets ...
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